🔔50% Off for the next 22 minutes!🔔

50% Off The Regular Price Of $49 - for the next 22 mins!

  • Do you feel sh!tty, exhausted or drained because of other people's emotions?

  • Do you get drained after working with clients?

  • When people you love are struggling, do you feel overwhelmed by their pain?

  • Do you work hard on yourself only to be pulled back down by the struggles of the people closest to you?

What if in 40 minutes you could have a permanent energy shield that allows you to still feel and show up with empathy, but no longer have that energy drowning you?

Get 50% off regular price $49, $24.50 for the next 22 mins!

"Omg I'm totally blown away by the Energy Shield Training that Cheri has created. I was feeling a lot of intense feelings from everyone around me - during my sister's divorce and it was really exhausting me. After doing a very simple meditation - I could instantly feel like my energy was replenished and my backpain went away after many days of excruciating pain. It was amazing to see how easy it is to ground yourself and protect your energy with such a simple tool! I'm going to come back to this over and over - but most of all, I'm convinced that the energy magic is real! Thanks for creating this amazing resource, Cheri! I'm so grateful! ❤️"

- Satya Purna

Who the energy shield is for:

Have You Been Told...

  • You are too sensitive

  • You are too emotional

  • Grow a thicker skin

  • To toughen up

  • Don’t cry or no one will take you seriously

Do You...

  • Know how people are feeling when you walk in a room

  • Have lots of empathy

  • Have strangers pour out their hearts to you

  • Love full out

In your personal life...

  • You interact with humans daily and are sensitive to other people’s emotions.

  • You are sensitive to energy or an empath.

  • You would like a permanent energy shield.

  • You get overwhelmed with people's energy easily.

  • You are ready to feel ease and peace in your life.

  • You want to have more energy.

In your professional life, if you are a therapist, coach, teacher, lawyer, person in the mental health field or anyone that answers yes to these questions...

  • Do you hold space for people in your work?

  • Do you feel drained & depleted even though you love your work?

  • Do you hear or feel the pain of your clients trauma and it feels like too much?

  • Do you feel burned out?

  • Are you open to a bit of woo?

Then the energy shield will change your life!

Get 50% off regular price $49, $24.50 for the next 22 mins!

"I highly recommend this for anyone that interacts with other humans daily and believes energy is real. Learning to protect your space and energy is life changing. I've been an energy and spiritual practitioner for over two decades and I can vouch this works really well! I felt bulletproof after doing this and still do and I think I did it in 2021. This is a great price and offer! Don't pass this up."

- Leila Williams

What does an energy shield look like in your life:

  • Your brother in law (or any family member) that you struggle to be around, no longer triggers you.

  • Difficult conversations with your father (or any family member) that have lots of emotions flying around, you stay centered and able to communicate powerfully.

  • Someone you love is going through a big trauma like - divorce, losing a house - instead of feeling like you are drowning in their emotions (or maybe even getting sick or having intense body pain), you can empathize and feel bad without getting completely derailed.

  • Your spouse is struggling emotionally and instead of feeling like you are in the emotional pit right along with them, you still know how they are feeling, but you no longer feel those feelings as your own, you are able to hold a safe space for them without feeling a drain on your emotional resources.

  • Your child is upset and having big emotions, you can be a safe space to validate and support them without getting swept away in their emotions.

  • When you are around lots of people with lots of emotions instead of feeling overwhelmed (or maybe even sick to your stomach), you can still gather what people are feeling if you tune into it, but the emotions roll off you like water on a duck's back, you are buffered in a way that you can shake hands and the only emotions that stick are the beautiful ones, the kind ones.

  • You have some big conversations with lots of emotions at work, you handle them with ease, staying centered and communicating clearly.

  • You're at an extended family gathering or a conference for work around lots of people instead of feeling exhausted by the continuous onslaught of emotion, you no longer feel tired, you have more energy because you no longer feel everyone's emotions as your own, you have a shield.

  • A client, a student or a patient is going through pain, instead of their pain overwhelming you so much so that you take that pain home with you, you empathize, support them in the way you can and are able to leave the emotions at work to feel happier and lighter at home, you're able to leave work at work.

  • Someone at work is extremely anxious and instead of it kicking off your own anxiety, you get that they are anxious and can empathize, but your own anxiety doesn't get activated.

  • You are buying a car and the deal goes south and the salesperson starts yelling and getting angry. Instead of shutting down, you are able to stay clear and continue to set boundaries and negotiate to get what you want.

Get 50% off regular price $49, $24.50 for the next 22 mins!

"I am highly empathic and have needed to develop some facility with separating my emotions from those of others. When my work involved me in leading a group through a contentious community issue, I knew that I would need to remain grounded and focused no matter how others behaved.

I had heard Cheri talk about creating an energy shield many times, and now I knew it was time to take advantage of the process she offers. We spent 45 minutes creating a permanent energy shield, and WOW has it made a difference.

Since then I have negotiated community meetings, emergency Board meetings, and intense personal conversations on an almost daily basis, and although I have my own feelings, I have been able to focus on my intentions and purpose without getting rocked by the drama around me. It has been so much easier to return to happiness and leave work at work. I am recommending this process to all of my friends and family. Thank you, Cheri!"

- Belinda Waldron

How Does The Energy Shield Activation Work?

  • Reveal Your Hidden Superpower

    We show you how to shift your sensitivity to emotions from hurting you to helping you - you have an advantage other people do not!

  • Empower Your Intuition: Unleash Inspired Action

    We show you how to hear your own internal guidance system (intuition/feelings) and tune into your core desires so you take inspired action and are not making decisions based on other people’s energy.

  • Create Your Own Shield

    We create a connection to the universe (higher power) that allows people to touch you without you taking on their feelings as your own. We show you how to allow the emotions that pass through the light like love and joy to still come through.

  • Elevate Boundaries

    Learn the art of utilizing this shield even with people who pay you or you feel an obligation towards.

  • Screen Shield: Master Emotional Balance in the Digital Age

    Master the skill of safeguarding your emotional balance from the constant onslaught of information and emotions of electronic devices.

  • Replace, Recharge, Radiate: Elevate with Your Energy

    We release other people’s energies and replace it with your own, leaving you feeling refreshed and energized.

What's Included?

  • On Demand 40 Minute Activation

    Where I guide you to create your own permanent energy shield. Login details will be sent to you immediately after your purchase. Lifetime Access.

  • Bonus:

    A Graphic For Your Phone - To easily remind yourself of the colors of your shield.

Creating A Powerful Energy Shield Change My Whole Life!

Years ago, the feelings of the people around me would stick all over me. I was exhausted all the time.

I spent so much time trying to make the people closest to me feel happy, so I could stop being inundated with upset, stress, anger, sadness, you name it.

The problem with this is the only person I can make happy is me.

All of that time, energy and focus were wasted and harmful because people need to feel what they are feeling and move through emotions as they choose, not because their emotions are sticking to me.

The best thing I have done for this is to get an energy shield. I still know what people are feeling, but those feelings no longer stick to me.

I get to feel how I want to feel even when those closest to me are feeling different. It is a relief for me and them.

Now I have overflowing energy. I can be in a room full of emotion and still stay centered. Not only that, but I can influence the energy of the room. 💫

Get 50% off regular price $49, $24.50 for the next 22 mins!

"The Become Bulletproof process is AMAZING!! Over the years I’ve struggled with protecting my energy & I would get terrible belly aches. I used to have an issue at least once every two weeks & after using this technique I’ve only had one stomach ache in 3 months! I love easy powerful techniques & this is exactly that!! If you consider yourself a highly sensitive or empathetic person use this method! It’s changed my life for the better!!"

- Leila Williams

If we haven't already met

Hi, I'm Cheri

I help women empower themselves to be their happiest self, have the shoulder's back confidence to go for their dreams and to enjoy TF out of the journey on the way. This looks like being the kind of mom you want to be, having a love life that excites you, feeling good in your skin and knowing your purpose.

I am a plus-size, indigenous woman who loves myself unapologetically! I am quick to laugh, live out loud, wife and mother. I take up space and create life on my terms.

As a self-love and happiness coach, belief healer, host of the Loveable AF Badass Momcast, founder of the Happiness Habit and author of the Grateful As F*ck Journal for Moms, I empower women to claim their joy and live boldly.

Let’s disrupt the status quo and create a life where you get to be unapologetically happy!

In case no one has told you yet today You Are Loveable AF!

Let's Connect

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